What is a veneer?
A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth, very much like a false fingernail fits over a nail. Sometimes a natural colour composite material is used instead of porcelain.
A precise shape and shade of porcelain can be chosen to lighten the upper front teeth or to reshape them. It can make a chipped tooth look intact again – the porcelain covers the whole of the front of the tooth replacing the broken part.
What happens after a veneer is fitted?
Some minor adjustments might be needed to make sure that your bite is correct.
How long will a veneer last?
Veneers can last for some years but they can chip or break, just as your own teeth can. People who grind their teeth or clench put more stress on the teeth and the veneers and the life span will be shorter.

What do veneers do?
Veneers can improve the colours, shape and position of teeth, and protect teeth from further damage caused by acid in foods and drinks or from acids in the stomach. Without the protection of a veneer the teeth can become thin and weak.
Veneers are often used to close small gaps, when orthodontics is not suitable. If one tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can be fitted to bring it into line with the rest of the teeth.
Veneers can protect teeth from further damage caused by acid in foods and drinks or from acids in the stomach that cause the teeth to wear away. The teeth become thin and weak and can be protected by veneers
How are teeth prepared for a veneer?
Some of the outer enamel surface of the tooth will be removed, to ensure that the veneer can be bonded to the tooth . The amount of enamel to be removed is minimal and will be the thickness of the veneers to be fitted.
The tooth is prepared in two stages. The first stage will involve removing a small amount of enamel and taking an impression of the tooth. The impression is sent to the laboratory where they will reproduce a veneer to fit the tooth. We will place a temporary veneer on the tooth to protect it against sensitivity. A visit to the laboratory may be necessary to make sure that the colour matches with adjoining teeth and a natural look is achieved. The second stage will involve placing the veneers on the required teeth with a bonding material.